The City of human Origin



Planned power interruption

Mogale City residents are hereby notified of Eskom’s planned power interruption on Sunday, 6 December 2020 from 09H00am until 11H00am on the same day. Power supply will be intermittently interrupted for switching purposes however, interruptions are not expected to be...

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Latest external vacancies

Mogale City Local Municipality is committed to equal employment opportunity as contemplated in the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 for the advancement of previously disadvantaged and disabled persons.  Mogale City Local Municipality is situated in the West Rand,...

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Emergency Water Shutdown

Mogale City Local Municipality hereby informs members of the public of an imminent emergency water shutdown due to a huge burst pipe on Robert Broom Drive in Rangeview. Municipal water technicians and repair team is on site attending to the problem. Due to the amount...

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Municipal telephone lines and network down

Mogale City Local Municipality hereby notifies customers that our call centre number 0861 664 253 and other telephone lines are not in operation. This is due to a technical fault linked to the municipal network affecting all incoming and outgoing calls as well as the...

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Have your say on the budget and IDP

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21(1) (a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 0f 2000) that Mogale City Local Municipality will hold public engagements through Westside FM (98.9Mhz) as part of the annual review process of its Integrated...

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Don’t let your guard down!

The fight against Covid-19 is far from over. As local government, Mogale City Local Municipality joins government calls on citizens and businesses, especially liquor selling outlets such as night clubs, taverns and shebeens to adhere to Covid-19 prevention protocols,...

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Delayed payment allocations clarified

It has come to the attention of Mogale City Local Municipality’s Revenue Services that some ratepayers who have just received their monthly municipal statements dated 8 October 2020 via email and SMS are not reflecting the correct balances. This is due to the fact...

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Grant-in-Aid applications for 2020/21

Mogale City Social Development invites qualifying organisations, bodies or projects that strives to benefit the community and improve the quality of life for Mogale City residents to apply for Grant in Aid financial assistance. As a result of Covid-19, the...

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Municipality Address

Provide contact details

Contact Numbers

Call Centre

0861 664 253
07:30 AM - 16:00 PM
Monday to Friday

WhatsApp Line

083 787 2814

Switch Board

011 951 2000

Emergencies Services

010 345 1405
011 564 2210


011 951 1153/2