The City of human Origin

Opening Accounts
If you do not receive a municipal account 3 months after registration, please visit our Revenue Offices at Corner Market and Commissioner Streets in Krugersdorp to open an account or send an email to to enquire.
Required documents:
- Valid RSA identity document(s) or card of owner(s), director(s) or trustee(s)
- Companies And Intellectual Property Commission registration documents for a company owned property
- Proof of registration and authority for other types of owners e.g. government, church, Non-Governmental Organisation and Non-Profit Organisation
- Letter from the conveyancing attorneys confirming property transfer and registration date
- Proof of registration of property at the Deeds Office
- Next of kin details
Required documents:
- Title deed for the stand
- Occupation certificate
- Surveyor-general’s diagram
- A proclamation notice for a new township
- A valid identity book or card
Required documents:
- Deeds document
- A valid identity book or card
- A deposit amount per approved municipal tariffs is payable in cash, debit or credit card
- Non-South Africa citizens are required to pay a deposit equivalent to an estimated six months’ deemed consumption
The above applies to clients whose properties are not supplied and billed water and electricity through a body corporate or homeowner’s association
Required documents:
- CK1 or company registration documents
- Vat certificate
- Company letterhead and a specimen of signature
- Cancelled business cheque
- Company stamps
- Copy of identity book or card of company owner(s) and/or director(s)
- Proof of company registration or ownership
- If a tenant, copy of the lease agreement
A deposit amount per approved municipal tariffs is payable in cash, debit or credit card or by bank guaranteed cheque
Terminating services
Required documents:
- Certified copy of your identity document
- Bank statement
Please note that the municipality bills you according to usage and may therefore still receive active bills after you have disconnected a service/s. Your account will be credited with the deposit you paid when you applied for service connections, i.e. water and electricity, upon finalisation.
Required documents:
- Hand signed letter from the conveyancing attorneys with banking details stating who the refund should be directed to
- Mogale City cost schedule or clearance figures
- Proof(s) of payment
Required documents:
- Latest bank statement or bank confirmation letter
- Copy of identity book or card
A refund will be paid out within 3 months from date of account deactivation
- A property owner that wishes to sell or transfer a property must settle all amounts on the clearance figures and submit proof of payment to the municipality
- To obtain clearance figures, a property owner must submit a completed clearance application form with the required supporting documents through his/her conveyancing attorneys to or submit at our Revenue Office
- A clearance certificate will then be issued to the firm of attorneys handling the transfer of the property upon receipt of full payment of clearance figures
- A clearance certificate cannot be emailed or faxed – original clearance certificates can be collected from Revenue Clearances helpdesk
- A final letter of demand will be issued
- Water restriction, disconnection or suspension of services will immediately begin
- Your account will be handed over to debt collectors after 90 days
Payment options
Debit order
- Bring along your bank statement or bank confirmation letter
- A valid identity book or card
- You will complete a debit order application form to activate this option
Consumers paying via debit order must monitor their municipal accounts to ensure that they top-up or increase payments in months where payment is insufficient
Municipality pay points
- Mogale City Civic Centre
Corner Market and Commissioner Streets
- Kagiso Mall
Shop 28
Kagiso Avenue
- Kagiso Thusong Centre
8740 Kagiso Avenue
- Lusaka Hall
- Block 7
2880 Colombia Street
- Rietvallei Extension 2 & 3 Hall
Stand number 448
4th Avenue
- Azaadville Hall
Corner Azaad Avenue and Taj Mahal Street
- Magaliesburg Civic Centre
12 Rustenburg Road
- Munsieville Hall
Stand 1477 Mangope Drive
- Absa, Standard Bank, FNB, Nedbank and Capitec clients can ask their banks to set Mogale City as an ATM beneficiary
- Alternatively, an electronic funds transfer (EFT) can be made with any of the abovementioned banks
- Select Mogale City Local Municipality – Direct Deposit on the list of pre-approved beneficiaries on your bank’s internet banking
- The municipality’s bank account number is not required for this purpose as it is pre-loaded
Please use your municipal account number as reference
It is convenient to purchase prepaid water or electricity through the following online platoforms:
- First National Bank
- Standard Bank
- Capitec Bank
- ABSA Bank
- Nedbank
Please click here to download a complete list of vendors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Download statement online
You must first register your account online by following these five steps:
Step 1: Click the “View Online Statements” button on the website
Step 2: Enter your first name, last name, e-mail address, password, confirm password and submit your details
Step 3: You will receive an activation e-mail to confirm your account details
Step 4: Click on ‘Confirm my account’ to proceed
Step 5: Complete the ‘Create an account here’ information using your account number and selecting an account name i.e ‘House Account’ and submit
Enter e-mail address and password to access your account
Receive statement via email/SMS
You can contact our Customer Care Centre on 086 166 4253 or send an email to and provide your account number, email address and cellphone number. As an alternative, visit our Revenue Office at the corner of Commissioner and Market Streets in Krugersdorp to activate this service.
Query municipal account
You can visit our Revenue Office at the corner of Commissioner and Market Streets in Krugersdorp to query your municipality account. You can also contact our Customer Care Centre on 0861 664 253 or email and follow the voice prompts. Remember to have your account number ready and get the name of the operator and a reference number for any follow up enquiries.
Payment agreement
If you wish to enter a payment arrangement with the municipality, please visit our Credit Control offices located on the corner of Market and Commissioner Streets in the Krugersdorp CBD weekdays between 7h30am and 16h00. Please bring along the following documents:
- Copy of the account holder’s identity document
- Proof of income in the form of a payslip
- Account holder’s latest three months bank statement
Also note that the first payment (a deposit) will be due upon conclusion of the arrangement which will be determined by our Credit Control Division. Once the arrangement is captured on our system, you will be expected to pay your normal monthly municipal fees as well as the arranged due amount monthly for the duration of the contract until the account is up to date.
Dispute/Query Form
Operating times
7h45am – 15h45pm
08h00am – 12:00midday.
Satellite offices only assist with municipal account payments and prepaid water and electricity vending

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