The City of human Origin

- Mogale City reserves the right to determine gravesite for indigent burials in situations where burial space is limited in the preferred cemetery where the deceased’s family would like the burial to take place
- All indigent/gravesite burials will be limited to weekdays, excluding public holidays
All other burials will be allowed as per booking and confirmed payment in line with the approved tariffs and the following business hours apply:
- Monday to Saturday: 7:00am – 14:00pm
- Sundays and public holidays: 7:00am – 12:00pm
Visiting hours:
- Monday to Sunday: 7:00am – 17:00pm
Tombstone erection and construction:
- Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays and weekends): 7:00 – 14:00
- Note: Erection of tombstone on weekends can only be allowed at the same time as the funeral
Unveiling of tombstone:
- Prior booking with office staff during office hours is a prerequisite.
All assistance required from cemetery staff (e.g., grave bookings, confirmation of grave numbers):
- Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays: 7:00am – 15:30pm
Contact numbers: Cindy Ramalatswa (081 308 9465) duing office hours
- Public holiday burial
If a public holiday is during the week, a weekend burial booking fee will be charged for any grave booking for that day.
- Weekday burial
All bookings must be made a day before the burial including payment which needs to be done before 14h00 pm. Any payment made after the day and time recommended will be charged penalty for late booking as cemetery tariffs prescribe.
- Weekend burial
Bookings for a Saturday or Sunday funerals can be made from Monday to Thursday and paid 24 hours before the burial (if payment is made a day before the burial it has to be before 14h00 pm, therefore in that case any grave booking payment after 14h00 will be considered to be late booking and penalty fee will be charged as per the cemetery tariffs)
The late payment booking fee will be charged for bookings that are made on the same day of the funeral and on Fridays except for stillborns.
A none-resident fee will be charged for deceased that do not reside in Mogale City.
Bookings to be made within 48hours and payment to be made before 14h00pm (24hours before the burial).
Required documents:
- Notice of Interment form
- Copy Identity Document of the deceased
- Copy Identity Document of the informant
- Copy of death certificate
- Proof of residential address
- Original burial order
- Notification of an intended burial and expected time of arrival at the cemetery shall be give to the cemetery officers a minimum of 16 working hours prior to the time of interment and no burial will take place until the cemetery has received a burial warrant
- Notification must be in writing on the prescribed form and confirmed by telephone. Where a second booking is requested at the same time and day, the first booking will take precedence
- Bookings will not be taken within two hours of each other
- If the time varies greatly from the intended time, alternative arrangement must be made with cmetery officers
- Owners of the Right of Burial, or if the owner is deceased, the immediate next of kin, may give permission for a memorial plaque or headstone to be erected
- Only one headstone memorial per plot is permitted
- If the headstone is installed incorrectly, the municipality reserves the right to order its relocation or removal
- Concrete base work for all memorials shall leave a clear space of at least 150mm front and 35back from the edge of the concrete beam
- A headstone shall not be wider than 1 metre if it is erected in respect of a single grave and must not be wider than 2 metres if it is erected in respect to two or more adjacent graves
- All headstones shall not stand no higher than 1.2 metres above the ground level in total
- All memorials to be constructed of granite or similar suitable material as approved by the municipality, which is considered durable for a minimum of 100 years. Concrete shall be finished in grey or colour cement to the manager’s approval
- Monumental installation and removal forms must be filled out and lodged with municipality prior to any monumental commencing
- No person shall make use of a footpath or roadway in any cemetery for the purpose of mixing cement and shall take all the necessary precautions to ensure that no damage is done on the foot paths, roadways, grass, and plots
- The municipality does not accept any responsibility for wear and tear damage or vandalism to headstone
- The owner, next of kin or their representative of any plot are responsible to maintain all memorials headstones, kerbs, enclosures and other monuments in good order and repair
- In line with various statutory requirements, Mogale City may remove at any time memorial headstones or memorials of any kind which fall into a state of disrepair or decay
- In the event of there being no one available to effect repairs or permit removal, a photographic record of the memorial shall be taken before removal and filed with cemetery records
Bookings and tariffs
Cindy Ramalatswa
Tel: (011) 665 9152
Cell: 081 308 9465
Find us:
Sterkfontein Road
Dan Pienaarville
Operating hours
Monday to Friday: 07:00am – 17:00pm
Saturdays: 07:00 – 15:00pm
Sundays and Public Holidays: 07:00am – 12:00 midday