The City of human Origin




The Mogale City Local Municipality invites all waste transporters within the city to apply for a waste transporters license. Application forms are available on the Mogale City website and at our Coronation Park offices. Application forms should be returned within 30 working days with all requested information and attachments in line with the Waste Transporters policy. An amount of R1 500 which includes application and administration fees should accompany the form upon submission. The license will be issued within 30 working days depending on whether all requested information has been provided to the satisfaction of the Waste Management Officer. READ MORE



The Department of Integrated Environmental Management


Coronation Park


Corner Coronation and Paardekraal roads


Mogale city

Swimming pool by-laws

Mogale City Local Municipality invites the public to submit comments on the Reviewed Swimming Pool By-laws.

The Reviewed Swimming Pool By-laws are available on the at all Mogale City libraries and on the City’s website.

Written comments or representations can be submitted on or before 16 October 2012 at the following address:

Attention Ms Berthia Bogopane
Krugersdorp Library
Corner Market and Von Brandis streets
Mogale City

For more information contact Berthia Bogopane on 011 951 2522.

Approval of the 2013/14 IDP and Budget Process Plan

Mogale City Local Municipality wishes to inform residents that the 2013/14 IDP and Budget Process Plan was approved at the Mogale City Local Municipality Council meeting held on Friday, 29 August 2012 and copies are available in all Mogale City Local Municipality libraries and the Municipal website. Members of the public are invited to inspect the IDP and Budget Process Plan from Tuesday, 11 September 2012.


Water supply disruption

There is disruption of water supply in the areas of Rant-en-Dal, Chancliff and Noordheuwel. Our technicians and Rand Water are working on the problem. As a contingency water tankers will be stationed at Pick n Pay & Khosa Club in Noordheuwel as well as Spar, Rant-en-Dal. Water tankers will remain available at these points until resolution of the problem. Residents can call 107 for further enquiries.

Electricity switch-off

There will be no electricity in Munsieville and Krugersdorp North due to a planned switch off for regular maintenance of the electricity network.

Mogale City Local Municipality wishes to inform the communities of Munsieville and Krugersdorp North that there is planned switch off for regular maintenance on the electricity network.

The outage will commence on the evening of the 28th June at 9pm and will end on the morning of the 29th June 2012 at 5am and will affect the following areas:

(a)    Protea Rif
(b)    Sterkfontein area
(c)    Krugersdorp Game Reserve
(d)    Oatlands
(e)    Krugersdorp West
(f)    Quellerie Park
(g)    Apple Park
(h)    Munsieville and Munsieville Extensions
(i)    Rant & Dal
(j)    Dan Pienaarville
(k)    Krugersdorp North
(l)    Monument
(m)    Noordheuwel & Extensions
(n)    Chancliff
(o)    Rangeview & Extensions
(p)    Pinehaven
(q)    Homeshaven
(r)    Ruimsig Country Estate
The municipality would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Issued by

Nkosana Zali – SPOKESPERSON:

Establishment of emergency sites

Mogale City Municipality gives notice to all neighboring landowners and interested parties that it has earmarked property for the purpose of temporarily settling people displaced from the homes.


Pre-paid electricity retailing

Mogale City Municipality urges residents to report any illegal transgressions by pre-paid electricity retailers by calling 0860 888 3330.



IDP meetings

Public meetings will be held as part of the 2012/13 IDP and Budget compilation process.


Draft rates policy and by-laws

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 4(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, (No. 6 of 2004), that Mogale City Local Municipality intends to adopt a Rates policy and Rates by-laws in terms of the said Act.
The draft rates policy and by-laws are open for public inspection from the 2nd of April 2012 to 21st May 2012. 


Inspection of the supplementary valuation roll

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 78(1) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary valuation roll for the financial year 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012 is open for public inspection at Mogale City Local Municipality from 16th April 2012 to 19th June 2012, in addition, the supplementary valuation roll and the objection forms are available on the website.

An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the abovementioned period.

Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The form for lodging an objection is obtainable at the following addresses:

Valuation Unit
IEC Building
C/O Monument & Ockerse Street

The completed forms must be handed in at the following address before or on 19th June 2012, 16h:00.

The Municipal Manager
Mogale City Local Municipality

Attention: Mr. P Mwiya
Valuation Unit
IEC Building

For enquiries please telephone Ms R Lagois on 011-951-2302 / 2332 / 2317 / 2349 / 2329 or e-mail: /



Mogale City Mayoral Soccer Tournament

Mogale City Municipality Executive Mayor Councillor Koketso Calvin Seerane, in partnership with the SAFA Mogale City Local Football Association, will be hosting the 5th edition of the Mogale City Mayoral Soccer Tournament over the Easter Holidays.

Mogale City Local Municipality Executive Mayor Councillor Koketso Calvin Seerane, in partnership with the SAFA Mogale City Local Football Association, will be hosting the 5th edition of the Mogale City Mayoral Soccer Tournament over the Easter Holidays 6 -9 April 2012 at these venues (Swaneville, Azaadville, Munsieville, and Johanna Botha sports grounds).

The Mayoral Soccer Tournament is part of the Mayor’s social responsibility to identify talent within our society and is also in line with the municipality’s Integrated Development Programme (IDP) and the Provincial Strategy on mass participation. The Tournament also seeks to promote healthy lifestyles and ongoing positive socialization of young people.

The Tournament will be played in two streams – Masters and Juniors, with a total of 40 teams competing. In the Juniors team, we will have 24 and 16 teams in the Masters stream. Participating teams will receive a soccer kit. The winners in both streams will receive medals and a trophy, while runners-up take home medals.

However, in the Junior stream the winners will take home R50 000, the runners-up will receive R20 000 and the third-placed team will get R10 000.

Date: 19 March 2012.
Mr Eric NgwanaSpecial Project Coordinator in the Executive Mayor’s office
Contact numbers: 083 766 764

Gauteng School Governing Body elections in March

The Gauteng department of education invites parents, guardians of learners to take part in the School Governing Body (SGB) elections in all the public schools. SGB’s have the power to decide on school policies such as the language of instruction, discipline, and religious policies.

SGB’s are also responsible for fundraising, school budgets, and financial policies. The SGBs, therefore, offer you an important opportunity to play a decision-making role in your child’s school.

If you feel you can help improve the quality of education and governance in your child’s school, you should consider standing for election as an SGB member or nominate a candidate. All SBG’s will receive training after the elections. Please find out the dates and times of these meetings at your child’s school.

Info issued by the Gauteng Province Education department. Call Centre (011) 355 0000


Municipality Address

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Contact Numbers

Call Centre

0861 664 253
07:30 AM - 16:00 PM
Monday to Friday

WhatsApp Line

083 787 2814

Switch Board

011 951 2000

Emergencies Services

010 345 1405
011 564 2210


011 951 1153/2