Mogale City’s Customer Care Services has over the past few weeks been inundated with enquiries relating to the newly implemented refuse collection guidelines and wishes to clarify the following:
• Monthly refuse charge: One 240L wheelie bin is the basis for a monthly refuse collection charge.
• Additional waste: Any waste exceeding the capacity of a 240L wheelie bin is considered additional waste and will be charged accordingly.
• Additional waste removal fee: R303.38 for residents and R3,033.78 for businesses. Arrangements can be made by calling 011 951 2102.
• 240L wheelie bin usage:
– Owning a 240L wheelie bin indicates that the household has purchased the bin from the municipality and is being charged for refuse collection monthly.
– Households without a 240L wheelie bin (using only refuse bags) will not have their waste collected, as it is assumed they are not being billed for the service.
• Prohibited waste: Do not place grass clippings, garden waste (e.g. sand, tree branches, grass) or refuse exceeding 50kg in weight into bags as these will not be collected.
• Bin audit: Waste Services is conducting a bin audit. Residents are urged to ensure that municipal account accurately reflects the number of bins to avoid fines.
• Missed collection: If your bin was not collected, store it inside your yard until the next scheduled collection date and report the issue to your ward councillor. Please refrain from dumping.
• New bins: 240L wheelie bins are available for purchase at Coronation Park (09:00 – 14:30, weekdays). Customers can opt to pay for the bin over three months.
• Accounts in arrears: Residents whose municipal accounts are in arrears will not be issued with bins.
We apologise for the misunderstanding and thank you for your co-operation and understanding in advance.